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Monday, March 9, 2009

Nothing to Post

But, i'll keep on posting anyway... *lol

There will always be two choices in this life and it is our decision to pick between 'love' or 'fear'. Basically, anything we do only based on these two reasons. (Sounds so simple, doesn't it?)

Why are we afraid of living? Because perhaps we 'fear' of death, but why do we live this life to it's full, that's because we 'love' our life very much, then there are still many m
ore actions we do practically based on one of these two things.

So, if there are only those two options available as a foundation for living this life. Which one will you choose?


Ata's book recommendation:

Practicing The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle


  1. hehehe....
    Eckhart Tolle kayaknya bukunya bagus2 ya teng? kalo gak salah dia juga yang nulis buku Awakaning eath or something called wake....hehehe lupa...

  2. waduh Teng... kalo gw sih Love..Love..Love..

  3. Kalo pendapat gw pribadi, bagus, Nikz. Buku teranyarnya (deuh, bahasanya, ha3!) "A New Earth", gw awalnya baca itu duluan, terus baru baca yang buku-buku terdahulunya, ini salah satunya, yang gw beli bareng lo d Gramedia Fair :D

  4. iya2...gue inget....ya ampunnnnnn.....salah spelling pula gue hahahaha....mao baca ah.....!!!
