Our individual activity is limiting our gathering moments, hence we've decided to use this blog as a way to stay in touch with each other.

4 Friends, 4 Visions, 4 Different Problems, 1 Blog.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

This Month Free Gathering

Thank y'all for attending! Just heard there was a heavy traffic jam everywhere near location from noon til eve that day.. so thank you so much for coming! We really appreciate it!


PS: Cucutz, what's the name of your date again? >:)

Event : Mba Citra & Mas Yusuf's Wedding Reception
Location : The Roemah 7A


  1. guys, im going to design our thropy...(bener gak spellingnya?) piala bergilir.....hehehehe....

  2. Trophy = stand still... it's a 'moving trophy'... ha3!!! *ngaco mode = on*

    Ayo, Nikz, ada idenya apa niy? Ntar gw upload foto piala bergilir Mba Cit yaa... :D

  3. waduh... pialanya dari emas yah... biar yang terakhir nikah bisa dijual buat modal rumah he..he..

  4. hey KALO DIJUAL kita harus bagi hasil ya!!! hohohohoho...-gak mau rugi-
