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Sunday, April 19, 2009

This Guy Is Freakin' Awesome! Though...

Yes! It's Adam Lambert!

In my personal opinion, he's truly an idol whether he's gonna win the AI 8 or not.

Don't matter with...

Okay, we get it, he plays role in theatrical performances. Yeah, that must be it. But...

Then, followed by another one...

and another one!!!

Not forgetting this one...

Then there's more!...

Well, not exactly
... *Lol* Please stop! We've had enough!

Even though these photos wandering around in virtual world, i agree that he's a very talented singer with great vocal range and a genuine performer. Yet, will he grab AI winner title? Or will these pictures say it all and have damaging impact on him? Guess, we'll just have to wait and see...

And I really want to see his version of Bon Jovi's "Always

Pics source: Top - 2nd from the top - The rest four


  1. wuahhhhhh kata bisma ya...TUHAN MAHA ADIL....COWO-COWO ganteng jadi gay jadi CEWE-CEWE cantik jatah kita (maksudnya cowo2 biasa)...hahahahahahaha....

    gue belom liat dia di AI8 sih...ntar gue cari di youtube deh,,,,,ganteng BO!!!!

    PS: jd maksud bisam gue cakep kan...HAUAHAHAHAHAHA (gombal.com)

  2. ih gue salah ketik...maksudku BISMA...not bisam....cem mana ini cara ketikku...blepotan...hahahaha

  3. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Ngga ganteng2 banget sbtulnya, Nikz... Cm kl denger suaranya pas nyanyi... Mantab! He3!

  5. kekeke......ganteng tapi pas ciuman jadi gantung!! bwahahaha....lekong bgt sih....
    mukanya kyk komik2 bisonen gitu...hahaha...ama boy george....

  6. Yeah! Boy George! You're right! Never occured of it before...

    Ha3!!! Jd gantung... Ya banget... Ugh... (*kesel) Ha3!!!
