Our individual activity is limiting our gathering moments, hence we've decided to use this blog as a way to stay in touch with each other.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Lego Watch

realized that my boyfriend always took me to the toy store to company him watching some lego that he like it and love it....sometimes i get bored to comapany him, but this time, when he asked me to company him to the toy affair last saturday nite, im quite enjoy it coz i have a crush to lego watch...hehehe....^^


  1. Wah Lucu Niq...

    Berapaan yah??? asli keren..

  2. Cool! Kalo di pergelangan tangan Monik...Cukup Paul Frank aja di pergelangan tangan lo, Penk... He2.

  3. emang tangan gw kegedean yah Teng??? gw kan berjiwa muda apa berjiwa anak2 yah??? he..he...

  4. He3, engga, Penk...Bukan masalah tangan lo kegedaan ato engga...Jumlah umur lo yg kurang cocok... He2..
