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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Boyish Notebook

Guys, look what Mr. Benny has done to my notebook?

It's so masculine-look... at first i was sort of in shock of how it looks, but i kept myself calm and took it back open-heartedly without nagging, consider he also had been done pretty serious repair of it, so i really respect his effort changing my already-peeled transparant protecting sticker with this GT sticker pad.

After a while, i'm getting used to it... it's just kinda cool! *lol


  1. HAHAHA.....i kind a like it too teng....but why have to be GT, dont he have something quite feminim? hahaha.....

    PS: ur notebook still oke kok ^^ just a lil bit to hmmm...hmmm.....different with your personalities...^^

  2. Ya...Gw juga sudah merasa terbiasa...ha3!!

    Umm, not so bad... In fact i think it's pretty cool... :D

    Don't know the exact reason he chose this sticker, he only said that this GT one has the same nuance silver/grey with the notebook rather than other stickers, so he made the decision himself based on that.

    I believe he forgot that his client is a female! *lol
